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Cisco Backs Loggly; Watch Out VMware

If log file management is a big data problem, Loggly wants to be the answer. So far, however, it’s found the ranks of its competitors swelling. The most recent entrant was VMware, which entered the list July 11 with general availability of vCenter Log Insight.

In its latest round of financing, Loggly found a new backer: Cisco Systems. If VMware believes log file management is one of the keys to the virtualized network and data center, Cisco apparently does too. Loggly, a 23-employee company, recently raised $ 10.5 million, for a total of $ 20.9 million so far, from a group of backers that included Cisco and Data Collective Venture Capital, Loggly said Tuesday. Data Collective was an early backer of Couchbase and MemSQL.

Loggly CEO Charlie Oppenheimer said in an interview that his firm can’t be posed as a direct competitor to vCenter Log Insight because VMware’s product is oriented toward existing VMware enterprise customers. Loggly has been accumulating businesses that were born on the Web or are units of large companies doing business on the Web.

With a product that’s been on the market only since mid-2010, Loggly has 3,500 customers.

Network Computing

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