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Internet of Things security will be imperative as wearables, automobiles and more sign on

A mixture of excitement and danger. No, I’m not talking about a theme-park thrill ride, I’m talking about the future of technology as seen by users surveyed for Intel Security’s Safeguarding the Future of Digital America in 2025. Here’s a peek at some of the things people think will happen within the next decade:

  • Two out of three consumers expect to access work data using facial or voice recognition
  • 60 percent of consumers believe cars will drive completely on autopilot
  • Seven out of ten survey participants think we will all have wearable devices by 2025 that actively monitor our health and vital signs.

Along with these advances, though, there are also security risks. For example, nearly half of those surveyed believe their families will be affected by cyberbullies in the next decade, and 68 percent think cybersecurity will remain a serious concern in 2025. If you consider how technology is rapidly connecting to and interacting with our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to see why security will still be a significant issue.

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