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Is there a greater risk of cyber attack over the holidays?

With Christmas only a few days a way, most businesses will be shutting down for a holiday break at the close of business today. It should be a time of peace and relaxation—a time to reflect on the year that has slipped away, and to envision goals for the year to come. But, it seems a majority of IT admins and security professionals will still be losing sleep over potential cyber attacks.

nCircle, an information risk and security management company, commissioned a survey of 270 IT security and business professionals. It asked a range of questions around information security risks and practices, and the breakdown of the results is interesting.

If you have solid security in place, you’re not at
any greater risk over the holidays.

Let’s start with the big question: “Are you concerned that your company may be more vulnerable to attack during major holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s?” Overall, nearly six in ten answered, “No”. But, when you break the responses down, it turns out that business stakeholders are less concerned, but 61 percent of information security professionals said, “Yes”.

The perception of impending doom is largely unfounded, according to Andrew Storms, director IT security operations for nCircle. Maybe it’s just cyber-attack PTSD?

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