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Survey: BYOD security remains spotty, with users unaware or unmotivated about risks

Many organizations have embraced the concept of BYOD (bring your own device), allowing employees to use their own personal smartphones and tablets at work. A new survey from BitDefender, however, suggests that BYOD policies and controls have a long way to go in order to be more secure.

The BitDefender study, conducted by Millward Brown, surveyed 1,045 Internet users in the United States, aged 18 and over, during August of 2014. The results of the survey should be a wake-up call for companies to examine their BYOD policies, and ensure that adequate security controls are in place to safeguard corporate data and resources.

Based on the survey responses, it seems that BYOD has transcended from a trendy buzzword to an accepted norm. The concept of connecting personal mobile devices to a company network or data is widely accepted, and half of the employees who are allowed to use their own smartphone, tablet, or laptop take advantage of that policy.

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